This post was originally published as Adirondacks Camping by Laurel on Health Food blog.
Last weekend I went camping in the Adirondacks in upstate New York. Goodness, it was such a beautiful weekend. Perfect weather (sunshine and breezes), great company, canoes, camp fires, and lots of fresh air for me to breathe in. It was a great escape from the city, even if just for the weekend.
I took a bunch of healthy food on the trip to share with my friends. My big pot of vegetarian chili was a hit, and our group ate it all weekend long. I made it with tomato sauce, vegetable stock, 3 kinds of beans, mushrooms, zucchini, tomatoes, onions, garlic, corn, and lots of spices. I also brought hummus and red bell peppers for snacks, avocados, and my friends brought peanut butter and whole grain bread, coffee, peaches, eggs, pasta, and oatmeal with blueberries and honey for our breakfast. We also noshed on lots of beer, wine, and potato chips because it WAS a vacation. But, for me it’s all about having lots of healthy foods around to balance things out. The whole weekend was a big success and we’re already dying to go back.
Looks good, huh? I’m not an experienced camper but I am big on being organized and prepared…especially when I’m out of my element. The chili ended up being a perfect camping food and something I will definitely do again.
Breakfast of eggs with chili and avocado next to oatmeal with blueberries.
The view from our campsite at sunset.
Vegetarian chili and spaghetti to warm us up at night.
Hummus and raw yellow bell peppers for a snack.
Me standing on the dock, happy to be breathing in lots of fresh air.
Oatmeal, blueberries, cinnamon, honey, and a dab of peanut butter.