This post was originally published as Improving Digestion by Laurel on Health Food blog
Digestive problems are widespread, and many people have no clue how to address them. It can be confusing to figure out what our bodies need and even more confusing to determine what foods (if any) cause us digestive discomfort. Digestion is a long and complicated process, and you can buy books explaining every possible digestive-related disorder or disease such as irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease (gluten allergy).
If you have any type of regular, ongoing digestive issue, your best bet is to talk to a health coach, nutritionist, or a doctor with experience in this area. You want to figure out what is causing the problem, not just jump to antacids or a prescription drug that will hide your symptoms. Here are a few common triggers for digestive discomfort. Try keeping a food diary for a week to see if any of your discomfort happens after:
- Consuming dairy products
- Consuming gluten
- Consuming sugar
- Consuming very spicy, acidic, or greasy foods
- Experiencing stress and anxiety
Here’s a few holistic tips for improving your digestion. You can try these out in addition to talking with a professional.
- Eat at a slower pace. Chew your food more times than you normally would and put your fork down in between bites to breathe.
- Take probiotic supplements. (Read “Probiotic-Packed Foods and Supplements That Really Work“)
- Take digestive enzymes with every meal.
- Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods.
In addition, check out this article by Mark Hyman on the Huffington Post. He’s a top health expert and a go-to guy for digestive issues.