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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Improve digestion

This post was originally published as Almonds for Digestion and Immunity by Laurel on Health Food.
I feel like I keep talking about almonds lately…but there’s a good reason for it. They’re so good for you and they’re one of the easiest foods to keep at your desk, in your car, or anytime you need something filling and fast.
A study published in the Applied and Environmental Microbiology journal found that almonds may give your immune system a boost and also improve digestion. But how? Almonds increase the amount of good bacteria in your digestive tract. Women’s Health Magazine recommends eating one large handful a day to reap these benefits. (Ref: Nov 2008, p. 28)
To keep your portion in check, count out about 25 almonds before you leave the house for the day and take them in a small tupperware container or bag. For me, I spend long hours sitting at a desk during the week, so I keep a big jar at work. I count them out in a pile next to me so I can grab a few at a time when I want something to munch on.
If you were already trying to add a handful of walnuts into your diet, maybe try mixing the two up for your daily dose. About 10-15 of each on a daily basis.